I can’t work and do school full time. Mom is demanding rent. I’d rather live in my car than give up school to pay her mortgage


New member
I never thought the strain in our relationship would be over money. I didn’t Think it could be our family. I feel this has broken my idea of who my mother is. I’m just trying to move up in life and get my engineering degree. She chose her new husband over me and I’ve accepted that but did I think it would get this deep? No. Im just trying to keep her off my back for 2 more years and I’m golden or I may just leave before that if necessary.
@babo2013 Hold up, look at this post history.

Your trying trade your car in for 5k and get 2024 vehicle? Who is paying for the 2024 vehicle? Where is this money coming from?

At first I was very sympathic, but not I got a lot questions.
@rrlove My God! If I could afford a new car payment when I was in school I'd be a Roth millionaire by now.

Holy shit OP, what are you thinking?!

Drive your old car until the wheels come off, put that car payment money into a Roth and thank your lucky stars you have money above zero!

How can we educate young people oh how effing rich they are?
@burkelife You miss my meaning...

If I was the grand poobah, I would mandate that every newborn receive $7k in a Roth. When they reach retirement age each person would be a millionaire, having done nothing...

College? You need to put $300/mo away.

I'm almost 40 and now I need to put over $2000/mo away.

This is why srudent debt is so insidious. It robs you of time and time is way more monetarily valuable to young people than they realize.

Yes, you're all fucking rich and don't realize it. I didnt.
@shewriteswell No. You missed your own meaning…. You said “how can we educate young people oh how effing rich they are?”. That insinuates they are already rich. Educating them on how to BECOME rich & BEING “effing rich” are two completely different things.

Also you’ll never become grand poobah or be important or high ranking.
@vulcan You go girl! I did the same exact thing years ago, you can too! It'll get easier and you'll look back at yourself amazed YOU DID THAT! ❤️. Best of Luck!
@ghaleon My 40 hour a week is 4 10 hour shifts so the 5th workday is a different job . Kids are older couldn’t have done it when they were little. I do habe the ability to get usually 1-2 hours of studying done at the 40 hour a week job and I’m doing all online classes which means I just don’t sleep much.
@vulcan Oh I gotcha I’m sure your doing great but for me not getting that much sleep messes you up so that’s why I’m amazed. I tried pulling longer hours but everything started suffering.
@ghaleon Oh I’m sleep deprived for sure but the 4 10-hour shifts with a couple hours dead time each shift where I can study is making it possible. Not all jobs are like that.
@vulcan Same, friend. Teaching full-time, in a new position that I'm still learning, full-time grad school, and I still have time to make 1-2 HS water polo matches a week for my partner's son. I'm so tired, but it's not forever.

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