I am at the verge of ignoring all my financial wisdom and invest in riskier investments


New member
Every day I am bombarded with news how certain stocks appreciated 100s% in a short time (e.g., Nvidia). And now, friends also started boasting how their investments (real-estate, options, day trading, stock picking, etc) yielding amazing returns. And here I am stuck with my boring ETFs. I am starting to second guess myself. Am I missing a great opportunity by limiting myself to exclusively to safe ETFs? What is a reasonable % if I want to take high-risk, 5/10/20/40% of the entire portfolio?
@bettyraene Your brain wants to preserve wealth, your heart wants to create it. But by creating it you might destroy it.
So ask yourself the question, are you preserving wealth or do you know how the world will look like in 10-20 years. If you are correct on the latter bet you will have created money if you are incorrect it will be destroyed.

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