I absolutely have no idea what I should


New member
As the title suggests, I'm a 16 year old, and I have just recently given my 10th boards , who has to earn to afford my own education.

My dad, earns around 9k from salary +4.5 to 5k misc + 4k from rent p/m works for half a month approx. He doesn't want to support my education cuz he doesn't think it's promising enough, and I should rather do tuition and afford my own education. I have a sister too, that's 10 y.o. and her educational expenses are 4k.

I'm not happy with our current situation rn, we have built a new house, for which my dad took 4.5lakhs of loan, 1.5l no interest, 1.5l with interest, and rest from keep gold as collateral. He also doesn't possess any type of asset no gold, no estate, no stocks. Only a house built on land passed on to him by my grandfather.

I get no pocket money and have to ask for money even as little as 10 Rs. I really hope to pursue law but as of the circumstances now, I don't think I have any chance.

I really need some advice. Please help.
@jongeek You moved me. Kid you're probably half my age, but you're definitely a lot more mature. You talk like a 30yo - very good.

This community can find your education. Focus on your education. We'll start a gofundme campaign for you. You can return the favour by donating to others when you become successful.

We cannot let such gems succumb to poverty.

DM me
@jongeek I’m so sorry to hear that :/
Since you’re so young, do you think you can create something of value in the digital world? Content creation and stuff. Teaching perhaps? Once it hits off, it could pay something. Damn, it just feels upsetting that someone this young has to mature and think of financing oneself so early in life. I really wish the best for you and hope that things work out.
@jongeek I might have a way out for you, I have seen many people joining in jobs and studying via distance courses. DM me if you need more info, I'll be happy to share. One of my friends took care of her own studies as well as her family expenses.
@jongeek Buddy you can, just use your camera and start recording what you do your whole day with a target like what Ankit Baiyanpuriya did!
There are also a guys who are young like you who do stitching work under someone, or just work at a Atta chakki and record their day!
You know what start doing whatever work you can do to contribute to your living and help your father!

And I know ki, log kya kahenge, family mana karegi chote kaam karne se but always prioritise reality over words of anyone!

All the best!👍
@jaeger7 This is a bullshit advice. Bhai wo baccha hai jyada kuch happening nahi hoga uske life may abhi, jo day to day activities record kare. Content creation is not so easy mate, agar itna he asaan hota toh tu kyu nahi kar raha hai?? You can keep it as a side hustle, It’s good if it works but don’t make it your main focus.
It’s better to study hard and get a scholarship. IMO if you score good enough in your exams your education after 10th would almost be free.
Ps I have seen many of my friends who were in a same spot. Trust me when I say it education changed their life mate. They basically had their entire education for free with the help of scholarships and then they landed a well paying job and man has their life changed.
@jaeger7 I really want to, it's my one of my dreams but it also depends on algorithms, quality and most important editing, which idk jackshit about.
@jongeek You don't need all that to get started.

You need to start with just your smartphone and think about what kind of content people like and hopefully not resort to doing any stunt.

It's a long game, if you are sincere and put thoughts into it you can have a successful channel in 5-10 years.

Don't upload shitty videos though because people may not want to watch anything from your channel even if you have good ones.

All the while you also need to start working somewhere to generate some money for your expenses.

You can always study more when your finance situation is a little better.

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