I’ve been working nonstop for over 2 years. Do you think it’s right to reward yourself ?

@inluvwlife If you live close to a big city, the mountains or a beach maybe a short trip during the off season at a rental condo or cabin? Check prices and see what is available and affordable. Sometimes just a different location 30 miles away and free things to do like museums or a beach or camping can make a big difference. Feels the same as going on a trip but less gas money and no need to book a flight
@inluvwlife Then do it. You can't take anything with you and you deserve happiness before you're gone. You'll treasure the memory more than the saving, speaking from experience.

And remember, you deserve fun, you deserve happiness, and you deserve rest. Now go have fun on your trip!
@inluvwlife Rewards dont come bc you're tired or stressed. They come once you earn the $$ needed to enjoy them without jeopardizing your finances. You have to figure out how that applies to your situation
@inluvwlife I don't know what your financial or transportation situation is, but car camping is pretty accessable especially for a night or two. Pack up some blankets, food, water, ect and drive out to whatever nature is close to you
@inluvwlife There's a lot of information being left out that would help determine if this is a wise decision or not.
  • By working "nonstop for over 2 years", do you mean literally you've been working every day of the week including weekends and holidays? Otherwise, working 40-hours a week for 2 years is not that unusual. Most people do this the majority of their career.
  • Are you in debt?
  • Would taking a vacation affect your employment status or income? Do you have PTO or sick time available?
  • How much are you looking to spend on this vacation? Do you have the cash to pay for it without going into debt or using an emergency fund?
I personally would not take a vacation or buy luxuries until I was out of debt (except a mortgage) and had an emergency fund of at least 3 months living expenses. I would also make sure I had saved up enough to afford the vacation and offset any lost income during my time off.

While it sucks to work a lot now, it would suck more to delay that by shooting myself in the foot and robbing my future self.

If you're still paying off debt, take a day off and spend it at a local nature trail. Do something locally that is free, but will still help you unwind a bit.

Fundamentally, you shouldn't take vacations because you "feel like rewarding yourself". You should do so only if you can afford to do so.

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