I’m really sick of all the “suggest a broker” post

@gurshwin Agreed, a sidebar list for reference would be useful for new arrivals, but people really need to do their own research and make decisions that suit their own needs (day/swing trading, long term investing etc). I've seen the same questions posted almost every day.
@gurshwin I think with the constant advertising on certain trading platforms, and it is constant, literally every channel, every other YouTube ad is a trading ad to sign up to this platform and that, it’s natural that the next thing to follow are people who have no idea what they’re doing and hit up the forums to say, which one do I go for, naturally some kind soul be like oh this is a good option and bam! But it will literally be hundreds of thousands of people
@gurshwin So, anyone using Degiro here? I wanted to make an account there and get familiar with the interface before starting to invest, but do they charge you anything if you just create an account there, even if you don't buy/trade anything?

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