I’m really sick of all the “suggest a broker” post

@gurshwin if someone made a cool guide with ratings to all brokers in Europe that'd save everyone from asking

for example

Interactive Brokers:

Fees: 7/10

Ease of withdrawal: 4/10

Equities: yes

My two cents about the broker here

a list with data like this for all brokers would save people from asking, I don't blame the people since they want information that they have no easy access to so they must ask.
@resjudicata Ratings are subjective, would be much better if we kept it factual like " IB has a 10USD inactivity fees, deductible from orders, and waived for over 100k in assets and below 26y/o".
@gurshwin I would say FAQ with a list but no explanation.
I find it important that people read the rest themselves which can be done on those websites.

Just like sudoku games people should figure it out by themselves because that’s where you get your energy and motivation from.

On the other hand it’s also possible to just say no and refer to platforms that are more open to this subject which also prevents a big shit show here. Bots essentially could be used to regulate this matter.

The last option with automatic reply is probably the best and most easiest way to regulate this
@gurshwin I was going to make one of those posts, but it’s only because it’s hard to find enough info in English and my German isn’t the best. I’ve fucked up before because I missed some fine print and would prefer to actually ask on here to add to my research.

It actually would be nice to have a sticky post where you could ask away for country specific posts.
@gurshwin I totally agree with the many critics.
There are two moderators, one hasn’t been active in six months. The other’s last comment in this sub is over a month old.

I tried reaching out to the mods about the state of the sub a few months ago but didn’t receive a response.

I actively use this sub as an example how a sub that goes mostly unmoderated turns into a mess quickly ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

What this sub needs isn’t necessarily a better Q&A section (though it would probably help) but a few extra mods. I’m fairly certain /@melodyonpoint should be able to find a few people willing to moderate this sub.

Edit: Don’t get me wrong, I think part of this is because the sub has grown from ~10k users in at the start of 2019 to ~21k in 2020 to over 55k now. That’s just a lot of new inflow, and it needs some love if it wants to keep growing sustainably.
@gurshwin I would also suggest banning crypto currency related posts. This brings a lot of immature audience to this subreddit. Eventually we will end up with a community of enthusiasts providing bad advice to people seeking for help.
Eventually we will end up with a community of enthusiasts providing bad advice to people seeking for help.

It would be healthy to assume that we already are for the most part, because people suggest things that were suggested to them with out knowing reasons for it, or don't really know what they are talking about.

There are good responses in this sub, but its still healthy to question every suggestion
@littlecrusader Crypto Currency is a valid investment for the future (BTC and ETH only at the moment) with institutional adoption in the process. There are of course risks involved as with all investments but those should be openly discussed.

I work professionally in the space so the notion this is for immature investors is extremely biased and short-sighted. I don‘t understand how censoring something that could be the investment opportunity of our generation helps anyone.
@tricky1 Sorry to appear harsh, but the fact that you work professionally in the space speaks more to your interest to call it "a valid investment for the future" than to the validity of the option.
@aubreyeg07 Fair enough. But it could also be that because I work professionally in the regulated part of the space that I have a bit more context of the entire industry than the average person who talks about the topic.
@tricky1 Casinos are regulated, and some people make money from it.

This doesn't make casinos a sound place to put your money in, especially if you are a beginner who's looking for advice, unless of course we are talking about buying the casino.

If we were discussing blockchain startups that could be interesting, but discussing "investing" in BTC? That's as risky as playing texas hold'em for a living, yet it's way less fun...
@aubreyeg07 Regulated as in a bank. I suggest to everyone to be open minded about the topic and not necessarily to immediately invest into it. There is a lot of smart money flowing in currently (see Tesla today) so it‘s foolish to disregard investments due to a hunch or prejudice.
@aubreyeg07 I see crypto in the same category as gold.

When we discuss shares, or even commodities like iron, there are speculation, but also there are some real world behind it.

But gold, it has value because people says that it has value. What if people stop thinking that?

And would you ban discussions about gold here?

It'd probably be more productive to have a SERIOUS discussion about crypto than banning it completely.
@pisos Gold is gold.

Which may sound stupid, yet if you think about it we have been killing each other for gold since before the beginning of human history. Birds try to pick gold and shiny stuff from the ground. Cultures distant thousands of km and thousands of years all craved gold with no distinction. Today there's 7 billion humans around, and crypto is maybe remotely interesting to what... 0,00001% of them? And for what? It doesn't produce food, nor shelter, it isn't shiny, it doesn't defend you from predators, no religion uses it to communicate with god, etc.

  • BTC or any other similar thing is just code with no specific use. You need an exchange if you want to trade it (which defies the "no central entity" all the snake oil salesmen talk about), you need a computer to even have it.
  • We are not going to war or selling our animals and lands to obtain BTC, we are not even united in defining what it is and what it does. Yes, the technology might be interesting (to me, something that requires increasing power with each calculation is idiotic, but hey, to each their own), but why would BTC prices raise just because the technology is interesting. Plane travel is increasingly important -covid aside-, yet no one in their sane mind would go all in on airplane companies shares
  • Iron, water, copper, etc have value not because people say they're valuable, but because people need them to do this or that. What do you need BTC for that you could not achieve by creating your own blockchain software?
@aubreyeg07 So, gold and crypto are basically the same, but we should "respect" gold and "despise" crypto because gold is around for thousands of years?

I still remember when the same notion of having a device in your pocket that would allow you not only to communicate, but read news, listen to music and make transactions with your bank was beyond science fiction (because in science fiction, computers were always huge; remember that in Star Wars, Leia wanted to send a message to Obi-Wan and instead of sending an e-mail, she physically sent a 100+Kg robot through half of the galaxy).

Saying that, it's really that absurd that BTC will be the next-gen gold in, like, 10-20 years?

BTC or any other similar thing is just code with no specific use.

That's totally wrong. You are confusing the implementation (the Bitcoin code) with the technology (blockchain).

Blockchain does not have an specific use, yes. But an CPU does not have an specific use either. You can use it in many ways, depending on what you need and how you implement.

Bitcoin is that implementation, with an specific use/goal.

Yes, the technology might be interesting (to me, something that requires increasing power with each calculation is idiotic, but hey, to each their own)

Again, maybe you didn't understand the technology very well? The increase comes from the halvings, not from the tech itself.

(Which I think it's a totally artificial way of increasing demand, but necessary from a technical standpoint, without halving the keys would be completely - or almost - depleted already.)

why would BTC prices raise just because the technology is interesting

I don't disagree, but the stock market sometimes also rises and falls because of the stupidest reasons and nobody gives a shit. Why is that only a problem with crypto?

Plane travel is increasingly important -covid aside-, yet no one in their sane mind would go all in on airplane companies shares

It does not make the less sense in this discussion, but... OK?

Iron, water, copper, etc have value not because people say they're valuable, but because people need them to do this or that. What do you need BTC for that you could not achieve by creating your own blockchain software?

Valid point.

That I already made before.
Iron, water, copper, etc have value not because people say they're valuable, but because people need them to do this or that. What do you need BTC for that you could not achieve by creating your own blockchain software?

This is a very bad comparison.

Why do people PAY FOR and use for any software?

Why do people use Windows? Oh, because people need it to do this or that, things they couldn't do without it. But they could just build their own operating system, why doesn't everyone build their own OS? Oh yeah, because it requires thousands of clever developers who pour countless man-hours into it, since it's been released, every single day.

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