I’m clueless


New member
I may or may not have breast cancer and I’m trying to get insurance before I have a biopsy/ official diagnosis and I’m not sure what I’m doing
@lyfia I'm sorry but if you've seen a medical professional about this, it's already too late. You'll need to get the all-clear before you can honestly answer the medical questions in an acceptable manner.

Look into whatever coverage you can get through your/your spouse's workplace without underwriting.
@jeshurun1111 So I’ve gotten an ultrasound that shows lumps but nothing definite… I’ve been classified as category 4… I’m a single mother and was hoping my child’s father or I would be able to do something before I have an official diagnosis
@lyfia The application will ask if you have been told to get medical tests or are pending test results. As previously posted, unfortunately you need to wait for the biopsy results.
@lyfia Any carrier with semi-decent rate/products will ask about any pending medical issues, so they'd all postpone you until all testing is completed and you have a definitive diagnosis. There are guaranteed issue products with no health questions, but these are only available at low amounts like $25,000 and they all have a 2 year waiting period before full insurance amount would be paid out if death is due to any disease or illness. I wish you all the best, stay well!
@lyfia There are companies that have guaranteed issue policies find a broker or a financial advisor to help walk you through it I can send you a link to reputable brokers if you want
@lyfia You will not be able to get coverage until the results of your testing are complete. A company will not insure you if you have outside medical tests or follow ups. Specifically with something as serious as breast cancer
@lyfia If you're 50+ you're fine. Get a guaranteed issue policy...no questions asked, and you're good. It's got a 2 year waiting period but even if you don't make it you'll get your premiums back.

Sidenote, it's only "very expensive" compared to nonsmoker rates but its not gonna break the bank. That kind of terminology had me, as an agent, thinking it was gonna be an arm and a leg when I first had to get one of these for a client.

If you're under 50, just start putting money away, beat this thing, and then you'll have a nice lil savings to get yourself something nice. And in 3-5 years, go get a policy.

Also I'm not sure how simplified amd group term are underwritten but look into those as well

Best of luck and praying for you

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