I’m buying a vehicle off a private seller but wondering how I transfer the money?

@deewsrd Don't think there's limit if you go into a branch (or, at least it is a significantly higher - I have done many tens of thousands in an in-branch transfer).
@deewsrd The 1k limit is just for mobile transfers through the app.

You can add them as a payee on AIB on a laptop/computer if you have the card reader, and then there’s no limits.

Or just bring a laptop with you and do the transfer without adding them as a payee, but again you need to have the card reader.

Or get a bank draft, or just cold hard cash
@deewsrd Bank to bank transfer.

You can verify that the recipient isnthe correct person is the recipient can verify that it really came from you. You have proof that you have paid from your bank. His bank has propf that your money came in and is accessible in his bank account.

Basically a tracable and undeniable method of payment documented by banks and is admissible evidence should a dispute of payment arise.
@otter63 I, and most other people, would not accept a bank draft.

There is too much chance of it being dodgy.

Cash or instant transfer like revolut is the only way.
@deewsrd Might not be so relevant for you OP but for anyone trying to sell a car, never accept a bank draft. It is no more secure than a personal cheque. The only difference is it comes from the bank’s account rather than a personal account so there’s no chance of it bouncing due to insufficient funds. They also take the same amount of time to process as a personal cheque, 2-5 business days, depending on the bank.

It could be fake sure, but it could also be real but the buyer can always call the bank and cancel the draft before you cash it. Then your car is essentially stolen so you now have to deal with the guards, the courts, tracking down your car and the thieves etc. Unless it’s someone you know very well and trust avoid the bank draft. I used to work customer service for a bank and I’d get at least one call about this a week.

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