I’m buying a vehicle off a private seller but wondering how I transfer the money?

@deewsrd Last time I bought with a bank draft, met yer man at the bank for him to verify it, was about 10k. Everyone happy and confident, had him sign a receipt in the bank (on cctv) .
I'd steer away from revolut or paypal as someone else had mentioned.
Cash if its only a few thousand
@deewsrd Most sellers won’t accept a draft or bank transfer. A draft can be fake, unless you’re willing to go to a bank and have it verified, and a transfer can be made to look real etc. Revolut is ok but again, some people will say no.

Go to the branch and get cash. You can nearly always cut a deal too as if your standing there with cash and offer less, chances are they’ll be open to it.
@coffey Which would be totally fair, but if you don’t ask, you don’t know. It can be done politely as part of the final discussion. Agreeing a price before even seeing a car is likewise madness.

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