How would you handle my (23F) income v. expenses?


New member
I'm looking for general insights or advice into my current income v. expenses.

Background: I am a government employee (currently a GS9 with GS11 expected by EOY). Currently living an hour away from my workplace with a low income partner.

I have prioritized heavily paying off my student loans since graduating in 2022, but am unsure if I am going "too aggressive" given secondary goals of mine (to travel, enjoy recreational sporting activities that can get expensive such as kayaking or biking, go back for my Master's, etc.).

Income v. Expenses

Not accurately captured in the SankeyMATIC graphic: Medical insurance, TSP contributions (10%), groceries (covered by partner). SF = Sinking Fund.

Assets v. Debts
@faithactivated You should probably be paying minimum on the student loans. Run the numbers on the new SAVE plan. Your interest rates are super low and the interest is tax deductible. Paying the loans aggressively ahead of schedule is a very bad idea financially. You would be much better off maxing the Roth IRA or putting it in the TSP.
@faithactivated I would suggest PSLF as a government employee for student loans but then again its only 7-8k. You should be able to knock them out in a year which do you wonders.

That car insurance is high for 1 car a month.

Whats the side gig?

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