@johnnathanturner1989 Because all office-goers have this arrogance, and this is rubbish logic. You live in a democracy. Your job and responsibility is not just to pay taxes but to hold your officials accountable, to vote, to raise your voice if big injustice happens etc.

Like, I don't even understand. You do NOT want to hold your elected officials accountable, you do NOT want to vote, but you want to whine and complain and act all superior because some tax was deducted at source from your income?

And worst of all, you act all surprise pikachu face when the politician whose name you don't know and who you don't vote for (or against), pockets your tax money? And THEN you get all annoyed?? I mean, it is just hilarious logic.
No tax paying citizen is free to do this kind of shit. Stop blaming tax payers.

Because all office-goers have this arrogance, and this is rubbish logic. You live in a democracy. Your job and responsibility is not just to pay taxes but to hold your officials accountable, to vote, to raise your voice if big injustice happens etc.

Like, I don't even understand. You do NOT want to hold your elected officials accountable, you do NOT want to vote, but you want to whine and complain and act all superior because some tax was deducted at source from your income?

And worst of all, you act all surprise pikachu face when the politician whose name you don't know and who you don't vote for (or against), pockets your tax money? And THEN you get all annoyed?? I mean, it is just hilarious logic.
@davidanderson1985 Too long didn't read. I'll just add a few words - Judiciary, Media, Busy, Fired from job due to political activism, Nobody will hire again, Dependants, I pay taxes at least I can expect less government interference in my life.
@yuliza Lol, you really think that OP's company or any company, for that matter, is just waiting for its employees to ask to be paid under the table and it will happily oblige.

The company won't be able to claim salary paid to OP if he is paid under the table and might also get engulfed in some Income Tax Litigation.
@jacquelineblessedangel Typical Indian mentality of abusing upright, honest professionals with integrity and praising the ones doing shady illegal stuff under the table.

Don't cry next time your local MLA siphons off 10 crores meant for the road in your colony and you have to drive in a pothole filled road and get backache.
@jacquelineblessedangel If you claim all deductions, and bring taxable income below 50L, you can avoid it. If you are on border line, consider donations to bring it below 50L if you have exhausted deductions. If well above 50 L nothing you can do.
@jacquelineblessedangel As they say on wallstreetbets and fire subs: congratulations and fuck you!

Such is the 1st world pain of high salaries. I just got my bonus as well, and it was so much lesser than expected, thanks to the 34.2% tax rate.

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