How to move income from Indian bank account to US


New member
Hi there!

I live in the USA but am currently overseas working on a 5-month contract with a company in India.

I receive my income to an Indian bank account. ....what the hell do I do with it?

More information-- I have bills to pay in the US while I'm over here that I'd ideally like to pay them with my income from this job, although I can use funds from an American account if need be.

In essence, I need a way to pay my bills back in the States while I'm here, and then bring home whatever is left in the account when I go home at the end of my contract.

Help..... I'm looking into all the options and more than anything I'm confused and panicked, everything seems to incur lots of fees! I'm totally new to the world of foreign currency exchange etc. Thanks in advance for any advice or resources.
@wildatheart41 Is the money in India already in USD? Or is it in local currency?

Local currency -> try Wise (TransferWise) and see the total cost.

USD -> might be worth trying to directly send the money via the SWIFT network

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