How to Live Like a King on Very Little


New member
By Thor Harris
  • Don’t smoke cigarettes
  • Drive old Japanese cars. Easy and cheap to fix & they run forever.
    • Buy most of your food from the produce section. Most of that other stuff is not actually food, you don’t need it.
    • Ride your bike instead of driving as much as possible. You need the exercise and gas is expensive.
    • Get your clothes from thrift stores. With the physique you’ll have from riding your bike, you’ll look hot in anything.
    • Learn to fix things. Tons of great books and youtube vids on fixing anything. Or ask an old dude. People used to fix things. No kidding.
    • Learn a trade- Carpentry, plumbing, electrical, auto mechanics, tailor, computer/electronics repair, something that can't be outsourced. Fix something!
    • Do people favors. It's called Cooperation. They will return the favor, or someone will. No kidding. This really works.
    • Make things-Look around you. Pick anything and make what you can with what you have.
  • Wear your helmet and put lights on your bike.
  • Find work you love. If you can’t do that, find a job where you love the people.
  • Don’t buy stuff on credit, Cash only, kids. Can’t afford it? Don’t buy it!
  • Pay your bills on time.
  • Love the life you live.
  • Learn to cook simple nutritious meals. Everyone is happier with a full stomach.
  • Eat well, sleep well, drink plenty of water, and stay grateful.
p/s: credit to Thor Harris. He makes good points on how to save money and live frugally.
@jetvet4christ Let's say if you average 5k a month as average for 20 years straight (which is low), at the end of that 20 years duration you would have 1.2million. This is before spending of course but don't forget we never include growth from compound interest or anything. Kids make the compound interest a lot less by regularly deducting the capital investment.

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