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How do you guys invest in Gold? I want to update my portfolio with approx 5% Gold. There are 3 ways, I dont know which is the best.
  1. Buy real gold (50g -> 2% Spread / cost for storage + risk)
  2. Buy gold ETF (UBS ETF Gold / TER: 0.23% p.a.)
  3. Swissquote Currency Exchange (CHF -> XAU)
Does someone have experience with the Swissquote currency exchange? Which one do you guys recommend or use?
@terrywinkle Depends on what you want gold for. If you want to diversify from financial assets and prepare for WW3, physical gold is the way. The time horizon is long and the spread would be the least of your worries. If you want to keep some of your cash as gold then Swissquote currency exchange is a good though slightly expensive way to do this. My understanding is that they hold some physical gold to back up customer deposits. (And you can pay extra to have them hold your gold for you.) If you want to gamble on the price of gold going up, then the ETF is best and cheapest but you aren’t near owning any actual gold then.
@terrywinkle You should view buying physical gold and actually holding it as a storage of wealth. You won't make profits off of that. Just ensure that 1/20 of your wealth doesn't vanish when a big hyperinflation economical crisis hits. Buying paper gold is useless. You are causing the real price of gold to be artificially kept low and again, in a real crisis you will have nothing.
@terrywinkle This is an unpopular opinion but 5% gold will not do anything for your portfolio. Do not invest in an asset class unless until you would want it to be 15-20% of your portfolio. Anything less than that is just clutter and will not impact your life significantly..
@terrywinkle Buy real gold, better 20g than 50g units.
You buy gold as a hedge against dramatic events. In case you have to buy food and paper money becomes worthless, you want to hold real gold!
@evietheturtle Don’t worry. You will always find someone who still has lots of food and who will trade food for gold (hint: go to a farmer).
Just ask for stories in Germany after WW2…
Oh, and basic food is very cheap now. I advise to hold some supplies of non-perishable foods; with just 50 or 100 CHF you can buy plenty of calories.

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