How to get poverty & accumulate wealth and freedom

@daisy83 Covert $50,000 of your mortgage to an offset mortgage & offset against your savings. Or a revolving credit. You’ll save on both interest payments & tax.
Perhaps look at your outgoings, my own income is a third of that amount so surely there’s fat to trim.
@daisy83 As others have said, try r/personalfinancenz.

My advice is to cut your expenses, $4600 a month is a LOT of outlay for one person. If you could reign in your spending you’d be sweet.
@daisy83 Spend less per week, rent out a room or two, grow your own vegetables maybe? Without a list of what your spending that 1100 a week on its hard to know where cuts need to be made.

Saved big money spending $20 on food a week when I was younger. Don't think that's viable for most people.
@daisy83 You're not anywhere near poverty. Frankly, you describing yourself as such is fucking offensive to the people regularly having sleep for dinner. Your savings are more than what a lot of people earn in a year. Get a grip and have some self awareness.

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