How to get out of cheap mindset?

@jclarke think of cost of time. If taking a bus makes you save 5000rs per hour then totally worth it, if its below 500 bucks of savings then u r selling your 1hr worth of time for Rs. 500 which is underpriced. You could rather take a cab and spend time reading.

apart from that nothing wrong in saving money and living a frugal lifestyle. just dont confuse being a minimalist with being frugal. e.g. buying a quality chair which will add years to your backbone vs. a cheap chair, or a place to stay in city center which saves commute time vs. outskirts

other way is to explore FIRE and leanFire
@jclarke For me what helped was getting a budgeting app, I thought I was overspending and that middle class guilt was making me save more and more. Obsessively looking for investments that yeild 0.01% more than the other.

I got a budgeting app and set up budgets for each category and realised I do in fact save comfortably more than my targets for goal based investing and can easily spend a few thousand more.

Previously I used to feel guilty about eating fancy, now I have no guilt about eating the bougie food as long as I'm within that month's food budget and so on.

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