How to get out of cheap mindset?

@pushkin I’m driving Honda city.

Home automation already done. People happy with it. Besides window and curtain, all things are automated.

I don’t like sports or cars. I’m not into cricket football
Hockey. Don’t like driving.
@jclarke How about traveling? You mentioned that you do take some vacations. Perhaps you can look into making that experience better, by opting for business class flights and luxury hotels, or at least pick exotic destinations?
@jclarke I meant as in, do you enjoy watching wildlife up close? I recently did a long African subcontinent trip and my second last destination was Masai Mara which was quite something. I stayed at an ultra luxury resort JW and it was an unforgettable experience. One of the best experiences money can buy.
@jclarke You can fly directly from Mumbai or Delhi to Nairobi, and from there it's a 6 hour drive or 45 minutes flight. The resort I stayed at was JW Masai Mara. Base suite costs about $4,500 a night for two people, and ambassador suite costs about $8,000 a night for two people. It's an all inclusive resort; the pricing includes all meals and game drives.
@aronda75 MacBook Pro 15inch
Gaming pc some i9
75 inch tv
Smart speakers
Smart lights
Smart door
Smart watch
Apple cloud
Google premium
YouTube premium

Got them

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