How to deduct car expenses for commuting from taxes?


New member
Last year unfortunately my car insurance wasn’t yet under my name. That made the difference of them not accepting the deduction.

This year, I’d like to make sure it’ll be accepted.

Door to door I drive 70km each way. I have 50% home office if I want but I’m not deducting anything related to home office.

Public transport would be possible, but is really bothersome. It means I’d walk 5min to the bus stop, bus ride 20min, hopefully I catch the train. Then I have to take either another little train or a bus and walk a bit more. Basically, it doubles my time, and there’s a big risk of delays and missing a train/bus.

I don’t have fixed hours, but I do have meetings at 8am often which would mean waking up at 5-5:30.

What do I write in the text box to convince them to accept the deduction?

Thanks a lot!
@rengb121 Car can only be deducted, if public transport would take you more than an hour extra time total.

But what you can for example do in ZH (probably other cantons as well)

Just deduct the monthly subscription cost x 12, for the commute with public transport. Regardless if you use it or go by car.

The tax office (at least in ZH) does not ask for proof. They simply look at where your job is and where you are located and judges that way.

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