How to deal with 401k


New member
I am trying to save for retirement, but I am worried in the legitimacy of investments.
My company offers only selected options for investments. Bonds, Money Markets, Equity (Large Cap/Mid Cap/Small Cap), Real Assets are some of the options.
Within these I have different Managers/Investment Vehicles.
I know that I can't invest in Bonds and Money Markets. So I have equity and real assets.
Here's what I wish to know:
1) Do all companies allow brokeragelinkage for 401k to self managed brokerage account?
2) In case (almost positively sure about this), my company doesn't allow the linkage, how should I go about this?
3) What criteria should I keep in mind while selecting the investments, mainly to keep it halal, for really assests and equity?
4) How can I check legitimacy of equity funds ( I don't know if they are public or private). I looked up the names but it just got me more confused as there are so many with the same name, there's no symbol associated with them so that I can look it up directly.
I have been through couple of articles, trying to understand how to approach this, but considering I don't know the market jargon well enough I understood bits and pieces.
If anyone can help me with some condensed knowledge to get me on the path or link me articles/posts thag can help me out.
Much appreciated.
P.S. I don't have Zoya Pro.
@noodlemn Try to find out if you can get access to BrokerageLink. If not, then focus on other options.

For 3&4, you have to go through the investment products and choose the one that has the least amount of non-compliant exposure. If you have a list, I can help you out, inshaAllah.
1) Do all companies allow brokeragelinkage for 401k to self managed brokerage account?

No, mine doesn't unfortunately.

2) In case (almost positively sure about this), my company doesn't allow the linkage, how should I go about this?

What I do is just keep in 100% equities to avoid bonds. It's not sharia-compliant but I'm not going to leave compensation on the table by not contributing to my 401k. My plan is to donate a portion of it when I retire for the non sharia-compliant portion of the holdings.
@noodlemn Yes it would change whenever the holdings chang which could be any time.

There's not really a methodology for estimating the non sharia-compliant portion. Maybe just upon retirement check all the stocks and calculate it.
@noodlemn There’s usually an option for a fund that tracks the S&P 500. Once you find it google the name of fund to find the ticker. Then search it up on Zoya. If it’s not there use any S&P 500 fund as a proxy to determine non-compliant % like SPY or VFIAX.

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