How to cook a delicious meal that you can have for breakfast lunch and dinner for only $1.44


New member
Shakshuka! This recipe serves 4 with less than $6 worth of ingredients, healthy, and best of all it doesn’t taste like cardboard, it’s SO good and full of flavor! I have this multiple times a week and can’t get enough.

YouTube recipe to follow along

Ingredients (with Orange County, California prices per serving from Costco and Walmart as of 5/29/2023)

Olive oil ($0.40)

1 yellow onion ($0.85)

1 green bell pepper ($0.72)

1 serrano pepper ($0.15)

Paprika (
@madrone I hate to be that person, but I can't stand eggs, think I could replace them with a different thing, like beans or cheap ground meat, and the spice mix and texture would still mostly work right?
@lnname The eggs are a nice to have and are traditionally added but ultimately unneeded in the recipe. The eggs are added on top, not mixed in, so they don't affect the texture much.
@madrone I love shakshuka but it's actually a bit more expensive to me and a bit more waste :( I'm a single guy so I only cook for myself. I don't want to eat 1 serving and throw the rest away because the eggs get all weird and gross.
Is there anyway to keep the egg yolks from getting all hard and gross? Or should I make the sauce part separately and just do it one egg at a time whenever I'm hungry.
@trivette Have been making it for a few years now.

The trick is to make a big batch of the sauce, and reheat single servings in a frying pan. Once the sauce is hot again, then do the same divots for the eggs and toss a lid on to cook the eggs.

Remember that the tomato sauce IS the dish, you're building flavour there and the eggs are simply the protein.

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