How to buy 6-month treasuries from Europe?


New member
US short-term treasury rates are on the rise in the last months. Today the 6 month treasury bill rate is 3.44%.

How can we buy these from Europe? Any suggestions? I see there are some ETF options, but these ETFs are usually mixed and they continuously buy the respective bonds.

Let's say I have some cash that I won't need in the next 12-15 months (but will need afterwards) and I want to buy 1-year treasuries with the expectations to hold it to maturity? How can I do that?
@grace82 Why do you think so? With all the risks continuisly being priced in and the drops that already took place you know of risks that other market participants don't know about?

If anything now that the risks has manifested itself the risk is lower going forward.
Why do you think so? With all the risks continuisly being priced in and the drops that already took place you know of risks that other market participants don't know about?

I'm not sure what you mean but I guess you expect euros to go up in the future?
@grace82 I don't make any predictions. I'm just saying that qualifying a currency as more risky than is currently reflected in the exchange rates of the biggest and most liquid financial market is a very tall order.

Usually as risks manifest themselves the investment derisks and falls in price. For it to continue falling there have to be new future risks that are not yet known. That was why I was asking you why do you believe the currency is getting more risky?
@exsoldier I’m not exactly professional but the risks are not exactly hidden either, ECB raised rate too late, there is a war nobody knows when it ends, Germany and entire EU face a huge recession as Russia cut gas. Inflation in Euro-zone is not stopping anytime soon. From experience it’s not lookin pretty in general. Again I’m not financial analyst and don’t take this as financial advice or sth.
@grace82 Hey, my point is that markets are forward looking. This is all old news after all vs usd there was a drop of 17% on currency alone. I'm wondering what you're expecting that will worsen the situation? We're already expecting eventual energy rationing as well as blackouts during winter.
@bethlehem57 good point. USD is high at the moment and we don't know whether it might go down again in the next 2 years. I guess it comes down to personal circumstance and in what currency are person's various other assets. (again, very likely majority would be USD due to the prevalence of US Equity in the popular ETFs)

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