"How Screwed am I?" or "Middle Driver Liability Questions Related to a 3-person Motorcycle-Involved Collision" (w/ crappy MS paint diagram) [CA]


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The Dispute:

Last week while riding my motorcycle and 1-2 seconds after my initial acceleration from a stop in the left lane at a newly-turned green light, I was involved in a 3-person accident. Driver 1 was going the opposite direction and failed to yield while turning left, assuming a green arrow when there was none. So Driver 1 hit me and pushed me into the right lane, causing my bike to side swipe Driver 3 (as I consider myself Driver 2). I was thrown from my bike, rag-dolled a bit, and landed on my back but was able to stand up almost immediately (ATGATT people!!!). I rolled up my jeans to feel/examine the affected leg and nothing seemed life-/quality-of-life-threatening so I declined an ambulance at the scene. This caused the police then to decline writing an accident report, citing no injuries (despite my minimal but real road rash, bruising, and burns). In fact, Driver 1 was not even cited for any infraction despite failing to yield. Anyway, in advance, I’ll be fine, thanks. I saw my doctor the next day and am currently under his care. I have linked a crappy MSPaint diagram.

The Legal Part:

Both myself and Driver 3 have given our accounts to Driver 1’s insurance carrier and they have already determined Driver 1 to be 100% liable. I have since come to find out that I made a mistake after purchasing my bike, and as a result my insurance never kicked in, so I was uncovered at the time of the accident. Double unfortunately, Driver 1 is an international student at a local college and has the minimum liability coverage of $5,000; however, Driver 3 does indeed have their own collision coverage. My bike will likely be totaled, and its FMV was around $3,000. I do not yet know the cost of repairs for Driver 3’s vehicle, but it is likely to exceed the minimum payout when added to my totaled bike. In the case that Driver 1’s liability coverage cannot cover Driver 3’s total cost after paying out for my bike, and Driver 3’s insurance eats the difference via their collision coverage, how likely is it that Driver 3’s insurance will come after me for the difference? I fear that I will be a much more attractive target for Driver 3’s insurance carrier since Driver 1 is a foreign national and college student. Have you all had any similar experiences wherein a judge or jury actually found Driver 2 (me) liable since technically Driver 1 never touched Driver 3 even given the fact the entire accident was the result of Driver 1’s negligence, a finding that their own insurance company has stipulated? I have not yet spoken to Driver 3’s insurance carrier yet. I assume that Driver 3 told their insurance the same thing that they told Driver 1’s insurance, which is the same thing that I told Driver 1’s insurance: what you see written above, aka what happened. Before you all tell me to call a lawyer, I called a motorcycle-specific attorney for a consultation the next morning. Given my lack of insurance and two other vehicles involved, he declined to assist me and was generally an ass; though, at that time I did not yet know Driver 1’s insurance would accept 100% liability.

Yes, I’m incredibly lucky on about 9 or 10 or 1,000 levels. The cops at the scene reminded me many times (all 3 are bikers in their free time).
In fact, Driver 1 was not even cited for any infraction despite failing to yield.

In CA they cannot cite you if they dont see the infraction.

how likely is it that Driver 3’s insurance will come after me for the difference?

Based on the accident as you describe it you have no liability to car 3 so they will not come after you for anything.

Assuming that driver 3 tells their insurance company the same thing as you say here then driver 3 will fix their car under their own insurance. They will not go after you for anything as you have no liability in the accident as you describe it. They will then subrogate to driver 1's insurance for reimbursement. Driver 1s insurance will then total the costs of your claim and driver 3s claim and pay out proportionally from the $5k limit.

To make the example easy I am using fictional numbers … you have 8k in damage, driver 3 has 2k in damage. Your damage consists of 80% of the overall damage caused. If the driver 1 had 5k limit you would get 80% of that limit which is $4k.
@jnat24 thanks for the explanation! I was just worried they might try to shift blame on to me since it would be easier to recover from me logistically than the negligent driver. i imagine that insurance companies differ about who was at fault all the time.
i imagine that insurance companies differ about who was at fault all the time.

Usually the only time we dispute who was at fault is when the descriptions of the accident are different. Then we have an obligation to believe our insured more than a claimant unless there is hard evidence otherwise. Most of the time fault is pretty clear and there is no dispute. In your description, if driver 3 has the same description then it would be clear and there would be no dispute.
@hope360 No comment on your situation besides the fact you'd likely have to sue the driver to get beyond what insurance will pay, but your "crappy MSPAINT diagram" is probably the most clear/concise accident diagram I have ever seen come out of that software, props to you on that!
@dennist I was going to say the same thing. That diagram is one where I could easily tell what happened in the accident without even reading the description.

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