"How NFT Game Axie Infinity Exploited Filipinos In Poverty And Put Them In Debt"

@bruce_f Oh yeah lots of people here too saying “buti di ako pumasok” as if their investment portfolio has skyrocketed the past 12 months. Just different risk appetites. You win some, you lose some. Hope they’re excited when others start dissing them when it’s their turn to lose.
@barbararita You don’t have SL/TP levels, because if you did you’re not in paper loss - you’ll have realized losses but you’ll know how and when to reentry. You don’t have any strategy, you just have hope and put money on it. If you’re an investor worth listening to, you’ll know betting only on “likelihoods” is nothing but gambling. Don’t flatter yourself and talk like you’re any better of an investor. Try actual trading and believe me you will be humbled.

You like low risk, enjoy your low losses and rewards. They like high risk, they’ll get high rewards and high losses too.
@shaunf I'm pretty sure I don't have to worry about all world ETF not being able to recover, and even if that happens, I have other bigger things to worry about.
@barbararita Ending, nothing new to add to this discussion except mentioning your low risk investments. Like my original point, piss on high risk investors when you’ve already mastered that game. Otherwise just go on with your low risk appetite bc no one’s pissing on you about that, yet.
@elaguy Do you do trading? I ask because it’s a common occurence where people “catch falling knives” with the idea that it’s a “sale”. Tales as old as markets themselves.
@shaunf i mean it can be a sale. you can tell when a stock is undervalued especially looking a the market right now. the problem with NFTS and other crypto is that there was no fair way to assess their value
@amiller385 I had 10 teams myself, rode it to the top and until it's worthless, got my money back and some extra, helped 10 friends for several months.

If you quit your job to go fulltime axie, you probably deserve to lose all your money LMAO
@resjudicata Same. People will call us idiots, pero ako I fully understood the risk and di naman ako naglabas ng di ko kaya mawala. Still stings na di ko nabawai lahat, pero di ko naman ikakagutom yon.

Actually knew someone na nagquit sa work, and ngayon nagwowork na ulit. Pero bago siya bumalik nakapagpatayo muna siyang bahay. Tangina pag swerte mo, sayo talaga e no.
@amiller385 Investing on anything you don’t fully understand is always a bad idea. Have friends who simply held onto SLP even until now, hoping it would bounce back.. if only they knew the tokenomics..
@treacle99 True. Saakin ang kapal pa nagfflex mga kakilala at kaibigan ko na may axie sila eh pang fishball na nga lang tubo. Ayun nagcut ties na ako kaya nga money reveals the true face when money is involved (not all tho, shoutout sa mga taong hindi nagbabago dahil sa pera)
@musicismyreligion This. Greed talaga. I also felt thrilled sa nft nung una altho i didnt invest in axie kasi knowing the grind ubos oras eh mas malaki pa kita sa extra projs.

Ayun 50% lang nabawi ko nilipat ko agad sa usdt nung palubog na bitaw na. Charge it to exp. Nakwento ko sa friend kasi as a newbie mahirap puro search lang dapat sa may first hand exp. Pagka banggit nya ng "baka naging greedy ka na" natauhan ako. Buti nalang sinabi nya yun.

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