"How NFT Game Axie Infinity Exploited Filipinos In Poverty And Put Them In Debt"

Your opinion is based on your own bias.

What you fail to understand is this applies to your anecdote as well. Both of you aren't operating on any real evidence at all, but one is more likely than the other.

And really, who's more likely to be scammed-- people who can't do a simple fact check and believes myths and disinformation they see on YouTube and Tiktok, or the people who vote based on qualifications and track record?
@kieranbenjami Your logic is off the charts. Such a shit argument tbh.

First, we don't know the total number of people with a certain political disposition who got scammed. Kahit ba 31M yang sinasabi mo eh pano kung FOR EXAMPLE 50,000 lang pala jan ang nagAxie, less than the opposite side?

Second, how sure are you that all 31M are idiots who easily fall prey to scams? I've seen a fair share of "latin honor" students in my uni who are under this 31M, and a fair share of flunkers who support pink. The reverse is true as well, because surprise surprise, both sides have smart and dumb morons. Ano to black and white? Red = automatic bobo, pink = automatic matalino. What about the pinks who just joined the bandwagon? Kung ganan tingin mo then better re-evaluate your thinking. Ang hambog mo kung ganon. Discriminatory. Self righteous. Disgusting.

Pati ang inductive ng mga reasoning mo par. Balik ka ulit drawing board.

Third, being gullible in politics does not equate to being gullible in scams. Smart people get scammed all the time. Masyado mo ginegeneralize ang isang population, when you are forgetting that being smart and dumb is a state of being, not something consistent. Something that scammers take advantage of.

Lastly, I never stated my political stance. Ang sinabi ko, I came from a university setting, which at that time was full of pink supporters. My personal friends were pinks who got into axe and never got their money back. BUT, di ba sinabi ko jan sa comment ko kung nagbasa ka, that I ACKNOWLEDGE that my view, is not representative of the whole pink movement. Dahil limited ang sample size ko to make an inference - unlike you and the other guy, na diretso hula kaagad.

Let me just say this, you're disgrace to the pinks if that is how you truly operate in real life. Kadiri ka.
First, we don't know the total number of people with a certain political disposition who got scammed

Once again: who's more likely to be scammed-- people who can't do a simple fact check and believes myths and disinformation they see on YouTube and Tiktok, or the people who vote based on qualifications and track record?

I've seen a fair share of "latin honor" students...

Sigh. Your opinion is based on your own bias"-- your own words. Once again, what you fail to understand is this applies to your anecdote as well.

Red = automatic bobo, pink = automatic matalino

I didn't say this. Where'd you get this idea? A Freudian slip, maybe?

Third, being gullible in politics does not equate to being gullible in scams

True. Note my language: "who's more likely".

I never make any sweeping generalizations. As always, I specifically use probabilistic language. So for the third time:

Who's more likely to be scammed-- people who can't do a simple fact check and believes myths and disinformation they see on YouTube and Tiktok, or the people who vote based on qualifications and track record?

Lastly, I never stated my political stance

I don't care. I never did. Although you getting upset about this is very telling.

Kadiri ka.

If people telling you the truth disgusts you, you didn't need to tell me your political stance LMFAO
@kieranbenjami Now you're just bending your arguments.

You generalized the whole 31M, probablistic probablistic ka pang nalalaman. Kinuha mo lang naman yung population na "nagbabase sa tiktok" as your sample size and made your inference that way to the whole population. That's the very definition of generalizing. Unless you can prove that most of these 31M indeed based their vote off tiktok, your argument is moot. I also think you're forgetting not everyone who voted "based it on track record", there are those who just joined the bandwagon. Yet another generalization mo na naman.

Second: Again, you twisted my argument again to fit your rebuttal. Pakibasa ng sinabi ko after nan. "The reverse is true as well, because both sides have smart and dumb morons".

Kailan ako nag-infer jan? Sa pagkakaalam ko, I used it as an example that both sides have smart and dumb morons. So anong sinasabi mo jan? Ayos pag nitpick mo ah. Pakibasa muna ng context. Strawman much?

I won't bother spending minutes describing the rest, you do you. I'm done arguing if you're going to be throwing strawman fallacies all day.
You generalized the whole 31M, probablistic probablistic ka pang nalalaman

That's what "more likely" means.

Kinuha mo lang naman yung population na "nagbabase sa tiktok" as your sample size and made your inference that way to the whole population

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Pakibasa ng sinabi ko after nan

"Gagong bida bida." is what you said after that.

Kailan ako nag-infer jan?

I don't know which part of my comment you're replying this about because you didn't quote it. Reddit has the best comment formatting out of all the mainstream social media sites, use it. Copy which quote you're replying to and put a ">" before it.

Things you REPEATEDLY refuse to address, because you know you can't:
  • Your inability to acknowledge your own opinions are based on your bias
  • Who's more likely to be scammed-- people who can't do a simple fact check and believes myths and disinformation they see on YouTube and Tiktok, or the people who vote based on qualifications and track record?
@533th3r Sinasabi mo? Tamang hinala ka? Ayos alt mo, sinong troll farm ulit? Hahaha

At bakit pink at red? Nakatulog ka ba? Aling kulay ang malimit pinaguusapan na hanggang ngayon relevant padin?

Nice alt bro. Hypocrisy at its finest. Troll farm daw yet may alt lol ano ka.
@bob33 In a capitalist world, if you are poor you are a failure. let's face it, filipinos are poor and are resigned to the fact that they would remain poor for the rest of their lives. if something comes around that could improve their life they would take the risk. that's not poor risk management, that's called hope.
@farid7 Hoping is going to college or trying to get a better job. Investing time and money you don't have on a game built on technology you don't understand isn't hope. You're gambling. It's neither a calculated or educated decision
  1. you've completely missed the point of the plight of people that do not have the means and are able to afford to go to college.
  2. Is college really a good return on your investment? Do you know how many people have gone to college and are still poor to this day? I know people who have gone to college and still are unable to buy themselves their own home. I know poeple who graduated college and is still living on 50K pesos a month. Does earning 50K monthly a good return on the time and effort you exerted to go to college?
  3. how much hours are you willing to give of the 24 hours you have each day to earn 50K pesos? what kind of lifestyle does 50K pesos provide a family of 4?
  4. people hope for a better life, do not put it all on them if they are victims of investment scams. that's victim shaming. they have been exploited. you are looking at axie infinity as an investment medium but in reality its a hack on humans.
@farid7 I agree that people cling to a shred of hope when it comes to investing but it still all boils down to not putting all your eggs in one basket and knowing how to diversify your portfolio. Hope for the best but expect and be prepared for the worst.
@amiller385 yung pinsan ko binigyan ng 50k ng tito ko panginvest sa business or pangstart man lang ng savings niya.

he used ALL of it to buy an axie team when the game was already on the decline. i will never understand why.

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