"How NFT Game Axie Infinity Exploited Filipinos In Poverty And Put Them In Debt"


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How NFT Game Axie Infinity Exploited Filipinos In Poverty And Put Them In Debt

I didn't get into Axie, but this video is an interesting analysis of how Axie affected us in the PH.
@amiller385 Also showed how gullible most Filipinos are (especially when money is involved) I know people who quit their jobs and/or borrowed money to buy into Axie 🤦‍♀️
@razel "Gullible Filipinos"

Kung ok government natin, maayos minimum wage ng average pinoy at maganda education natin, mas kokonti nauutong filipino. Kya yes po related sya kasi this would have been minimized if continuously improving yung government natin and sunod sunod improvement ng mamamayan.
@razel Of course not. It just happens the topic is guillible people, and what else is the biggest proof of Filipinos being hilariously, unbelievably gullible but the recent elections?

It's only 'unrelated' if you're the type to scream "don't get politics in my x" if you like wilfully blinding yourself to reality.
@kieranbenjami Being gullible in politics and being gullible with scams is different. There are lots of supposedly smart and educated people who fell victim to Axie and other scams.
@razel In both instances they don't do any kind of due diligence to see what they're seeing is legit. "You'll be rich just by playing this game" and "the Philippines will be a first world country only if we give power back to the Marcoses". How tf are those scams different?
@kieranbenjami Share ko lang. Maling mali ka sir. People got rich in the game, that's a fact. Some people also lost. So there's already evidence of it being a scam to the people who lost. Honestly ang problem dito goes to the main point itself, which is whether or not Axie is a scam. Honestly didn't know why politics became the focus here...

As for your second example, that is still unproven. Also piling pili ang arguments mo ah? Did the supposed scammer say this? As in first world talaga? Or ikaw lang nagimbento nan para pili ang args mo?

But either way, the presidency, as much as I hate it, is still in its early stages. We've yet to see if the country will crash and burn, or not. So, it could be a scam-in-the-making but as of now wala kang evidence to support this. Don't give me bullshit about the current peso rate, that's a result of global inflation. Madaming actors jan so just don't. Also, politicians tend to oversell themselves. That's nothing new.

So ayan, ayan ang difference ng scam na tinatanong mo. Medyo rabid ka ata tol. Kindly use your brain instead of emotions. Relying on the latter will do you no good here and I already lost the interest in arguing with you.
So there's already evidence of it being a scam to the people who lost

I'm not following your logic here. Everything that generates a return has an inherent risk. Losing your capital isn't evidence of being scammed.

For example, about 90% of people lose money in the stock market. Does that mean it's a scam? Of course not. If you're wilfully ignorant and didn't do your due diligence, that's your problem.

As for your second example, that is still unproven

No shit it's unproven. Unfounded, even. People who spout the "golden age" myth on any Facebook post about Martial Law is the biggest evidence of this scam. The same people who repeat the "30-year Aquino rule" who don't realize Ramos, Estrada, Arroyo and Duterte exists.

Also, politicians tend to oversell themselves

Do politicians tend to be children of dictators? Do politicians tend to lie about their degree, needing the university itself to disprove their claims? Do politicians have 203 billion pesos owed in taxes that his own employee intends to collect?

it could be a scam-in-the-making but as of now wala kang evidence to support this

Historical distortion regarding Ferdinand Marcos- Wikipedia

Marcosian Atrocities: Historical Revisionism and the Legal Constraints on Forgetting- Brill Journal

Fear of historical revisionism in the Philippines- UCA News

So ayan, ayan ang difference ng scam na tinatanong mo

lmao like 5% of your comment was devoted to the supposed difference, and you failed to do it. The rest is shameless apologism.
@ashish007 Ayos ah, naging pulitika. We are talking about the Filipinos scammed here. Walang kinalaman sa political stance to gago. Both pinks and red are scammed here, and mas marami nakikita ko na pinks who got scammed dahil I am in a University setting, mga kakilala ko na college students got in the hype at nalubog sa utang. But this is because nasa Uni setting ako at I acknowledge that my experience does not represent the whole pink movement.

Point ko? Your opinion is based on your own bias. Gagong bida bida.
@resjudicata Filipinos are scammed regardless if political or not. Nag give lang ako ng ibang type of gullible Filipino being exploited, specifically by politicians.

At pano ko magiging pink eh ndi nga ko bumoto?


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