How much should I pay my spouse if I (sole trader) employ her?

@doksmom Personally, I prefer ask Reddit first. Better to sound foolish anonymously on Reddit, then I can ask my accountant a more informed question and not come across as so stupid IRL.
@alwara Yeah and just because someone online says something, it doesn't mean I actually have to do that thing. Having lots of eyes and brains on a problem is always useful imo. It can help you come at an issue from an angle you might not have otherwise considered.
@alwara I think it’s fine to ask Reddit - actually the reason may be because the accountant has pointed out its sounds a bit like tax avoidance (if wife not actually doing much work). But… you are already a fool already if you think you shouldn’t ask any dumb questions to professionals hired to answer those questions - who are you trying to impress and that attitude leads to people not asking stuff they should. Don’t be so fragile and just ask what you need to know.
@doksmom because accountants don't know everything, as much as people like to think they do. When I was freelance IT, I knew more about IR35 than my accountant because he had few client's involved in that type of business and he would freely admit that. That did not make him a bad accountant because there was a lot of stuff he knew that I did not.

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