how much do insurance agents get paid?

@lynq While that is true, but at this commission rate, why do salespeople bother selling anything else? Insurance (and burial plot?) Seems to be the industry to be in for salespeople.
@katarina978 You need to look at things objectively. Obviously property cant be giving 25% commission to property agents. But insurance, how much you spend? 300 a month. So every month agent get commission 25%*300.

To get basic salary equal fresh grad, how many they need to sell? Of course once you have some sales from the past, it builds up... but baru 75 sebulan for one case. But it's 75 per month for 2 years la.

What i frown upon is sadly some (or many) agents push too hard, didnt think long term for customer. Recommend stupid plan and didnt set expectation right.
@minnie Yeah see this is why I gotta check social media less. I feel like total crap seeing my friends or strangers driving expensive cars and traveling every other month being insurance/property agents whilst I'm barely surviving.

I would love to try these jobs out but as someone who's shy and reserved, I know I will 100% fail as an agent.

Life sucks.
@bethere I mean sure it is free or like dirt cheap, but from what I've seen, those who work private sector like to go to private hospital more than gomen.

And private ain't cheap. Same with how some people usually go private clinic when demam cause don't want to wait in gomen clinics/hospital.

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