How much did your premium rise with an object collision repair?


New member
A small concrete wall just came out of nowhere and hit my S.O. 's new car. Judging by posts of similar damage, we're looking at $5k-8k for repairs.

S.O. has no accidents in the last three years (rule in our state).

For anyone who's had similar damage, how much did your premiums rise?

@gospelmusic In a perfect world, it probably won’t be too much. The thing is, we are living in a not perfect world, especially when it comes to insurance. Everyone is raising rates, even when you have a clean record, so you could be surprised. I had a rewrite on a policy the other day, the lady had good rating factors as far as I could tell, drove a nice vehicle, no claims or accidents/tickets, been with our company 10+ years, and she still had a $590 hike over the previous 6 month policy.
@gospelmusic You will only truly know at your renewal. You can ask your agent to see if it is possible to rate your policy now with a surcharge but they might not be able to do so.
@gospelmusic Mine almost doubled from striking a pole in a garage. As others have written, you won’t really know until renewal. You can always shop around if you want.
@gospelmusic Given that it’s an inanimate object and not a deer or act or god as some states call it I fear they will consider that as good as an at fault accident.

How much I don’t know but you may notice it. Maybe you get lucky if you’ve been with a carrier for a while that they forgive it but who knows
@pearl7 Yeah it will be under collision so I expect a good rate hike. Trying to bean count...

The consensus seems that insurance hike will cost less over time than the repairs. Under 10k we could cover the repair but it seems best to basically finance through insurance, with a strike on the record.
@gospelmusic First off

"A small concrete wall just came out of nowhere and hit my S.O. 's new car,"

what?! how does a concrete wall come out of no where?

Secondly, no one here will be able to tell you if/how much your premiums will rise after a collision claim, too many factors involved.
@gospelmusic We can't say how much your premiums would rise but a 5-8,000 at-fault accident is a major event that would significantly impact your premiums in my state. I'd search for insurance points in your state and see if there are any particular rules.