How many / what bank account “buckets” do you use?

@ericakuhl89 For me it just makes it easier to earmark funds for what they are to be used for - In my case:

1 main account

2 emergency “do not touch” savings

3 savings for big fun stuff like cars

4 savings for small fun stuff like holidays

5 savings for long term stuff like the kids future cars

6 Savings to invest
@ericakuhl89 Sorry, but your take couldn’t be more wrong if it tried to be.

Not a single bank fee incurred. Why do it manually in a spreadsheet when I can do it in the source where the money sits…

All of the accounts count towards my offset and I don’t pay bank fees for any of them. I have automatic transfers going where I need them and there’s no need to then jot all that down on a spreadsheet.

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