How long have they been charging us 6.5% on Student loans? 🫣😂

@hall I mean, that has been frozen since 2017 and it worth around £6k now. Unfortunately universtities are squeezed with funding cuts, negative press and cowardly governments.
@helping Yep, I was fooled into this as well, all my teachers pressured me into going to university and said there isn’t another option out there. I was young and stupid so I believed them. If I could go back I’d not go to university - my lectures were all essentially pre recorded from 2017 on YouTube, free to access, it was a joke. Pandemic student life 👍🏻
@hall Even with the debt I think I'd still go. Learnt a lot about life and early on post uni most jobs I went for said degree required. Not needed for everyone though I agree.
@hall Most engineering apprenticeships are degree apprenticeships. So it's not really uni vs apprenticeship. With a degree apprenticeship you still go to uni and get a degree at the end - you just do work experience alongside and get paid for it rather than taking out student loans.
@nyctophobia I was never told degree apprenticeships were an option and for many people a degree isn’t needed. You basically pay for a piece of paper and once you have your first job they don’t really care about your studies.

I’m not saying university is always a bad option. But the price of it is absolutely ridiculous and so is the interest on it. It’s especially bad for people starting now.
@hall I went during late labour government, it was policy to push this. We had careers advisors and whatever you told them they said it was a guarantee you would need a degree to do XYZ. They would point at a reference book which all said the same thing lol.

This culture is also from business as well, they forced an invisible ceiling where we had to put our selves in debt to work for them, and at no consequences to them and only upside too.
@john It’s a business, nothing else. And you graduate and realise there simply aren’t enough graduate jobs for everyone so they can pay you near enough minimum wage salaries.
@hall I'm on above national average salary yet my student loan is increase by £500 a year.

Meanwhile I'm doing another degree through the apprenticeship route which is fully funded by the Welsh gov.... Absolute joke that student loan companies are taking so much.
@helping If you're going to pay it off anyway then just do it. I did the same last week, I'd have mine paid off in around 18 months but just threw a lump sum at it, should be about £1000 better off than if I just let it come out my salary
@jay1 Yeh, interest rates were at 0.5% for like a decade, so it makes sense student loan debt hardly grew. If it's the first time you logged in since graduating it might be a shock to see current rates.
@jay1 Doesn't it eventually get written off?

Either way, I sacrificed an inheritance lump sum to get rid of it years ago. Was sick of having it around my neck.

Naturally now I've got a mortgage which is even worse.

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