How has divorce affected u financially?

@jsw3883 Yep, the whole system is set up for people to live as couples, pooling resources. Most people find it hard afterwards and it takes a few years to get back on your feet. Those wealthy divorcees you’re seeing were probably wealthy before they got divorced.
@jsw3883 I didn’t realise super was an asset. He got a good chunk. I’ve bought my first home and it’s hard, but not as hard as paying for two people. Still annoys me sometimes but relieved to be out of the “marriage”
@jsw3883 In order to get away from my first husband I basically gave him the house that I'd been equally paying into for 5 years and had about $200k equity in it. That was almost 20 years ago and I now have a much nicer husband, children, and a house with not much left on the mortgage and no other debt. I would be further ahead if I hadn't lost what I lost but you can't put a price on sanity, freedom, and happiness.
@jsw3883 I got lucky, I like to think it was some good Karma headed my way!

Blindsided by ex at the two year mark - I outearned him (which hurt his delicate ego) - was worse off initially as I had to rent whilst still having mortgage obligations - only for 3 months though whilst house settled. Walked away with $25k in the bank with joint debt (in my name) of $7k which he walked away from.

Fast forward 3 months, my work made a payroll error which resulted in $10k extra in my pay over 3 months which they did not ask to pay back. I cleared the debt straight away.

Steadily increased my wage over the next couple of years, grew my initial $25k to $60k and was able to deposit on a $400k place of my own. Ended up earning 2x wage compared to when we were together and not having to support someone who was irresponsible with money to say the least meant I was able to make strides in setting myself up for the future.

Even though the decision to separate was not mine - it ended up being the best ever outcome financially for me.
@jsw3883 Significantly better. Ex barely contributed and I was often left footing the bill for food and utilities. Paid him out by getting a 200k mortgage on my unencumbered house but it was a small price to pay for my freedom (all my other assets were left untouched). Since we signed the financial separation papers I got a significant pay boost at work and decided to ho back to uni which will further increase my earning capacity. I’m saving so much since I’m just paying for me.

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