@estherd Omg that last part. Honestly, when I first started working, the realisation hit me so hard I understood why Squidward was damn grumpy all the time (I was living life like a SpongeBob/Patrick)
@mournfulwatcher i play video games almost every night with my friends. often sleep around 2am. i work 9-5. , married and have kids.

my friend who doesnt play games often surprised when they hear i still havent quit gaming in our age. and wonder how do i do it.

i want to tell u if u really love and want to so something, you will make time for it. so when u do hv the time; just grab that bag, put a towel in and wear ur shoes and go to the gym or whatever; dont think. after a while it will become a routine and it will be easy
@sarabailey i do. theres no way im not sleepy haha. i power nap when i can during the day . and try to get full good night sleep at least 2 times/ week , but ofc sometimes i went like full week sleeping at 2am and my body screaming help, but the brain says its soo worth it with the gaming sesh haha. im not as young anymore so my body cant keep up
@cyax Bro, if i sleep 15 minutes later than my usual bedtime my brain will scream the next day for more sleep and i still get 6hrs of sleep. Tf is wrong with my body.
@mournfulwatcher I was there. Feeling very tired after work everyday. But everything will tapers away temporarily when you get hang of the job. And probably you are going to get bored at your work. Either you find something interesting outside work to cope with that (gym, hobby, partner and etc ) or you find another challenging job. Repeat the cycle.

You probably were feeling this as very boring and I can understand that you were coming from a euphoria life as a student. But happiness is relative. Soon you’ll enjoy small things once you set your life majority time at more boring things like 9-5 work life as the new centre of your happiness scale.

I find after some time by just touching grass with feet makes me really really happy. At that point, I do enjoy life. Cheers!

Yes you can find a job with more flexible time. I’m currently in that job.
@potstir Wth? This is too much mature, honest, self-reflection for this sub.

Really respect this outlook on life and the wisdom of it runs true with what I believe. Curious to know where you would place interpersonal relationships in this process though? I think I have been in many jobs with gruelling schedules, but the ones where office politics is minimal, managers aren’t lazy and culture isn’t toxic makes the hours seem less long.
@mournfulwatcher If you know what you are doing to avoid injury, just get a dumbbell and train at home. At least it works for me cause commuting to the gym is demotivating and it is a lot cheaper this way.

Edit: Just to add my 2 cents about working.

Plan for the next 5 years and 10 years. Like, in 5 years time, what position and salary (aka. career progress) you are aiming for. Of course, need to be realistic. But setting clear goals motivates you to do what you are doing now. Will also motivates you to learn new skills because your career will 99.999% stagnate if you cannot provide new values to the company.
@mournfulwatcher Well, doing a 5 mins workout is better than nothing. When you got used to it, you can slowly increase the time.

While I am 100% WFH now, before MCO, I always reach home after 7.30pm. Then, first thing I do is force myself do simple workout. I don't have a dumbbell that time, so what I did was like, today push up 3 sets x 10 reps, next day squat 3 sets x 20 reps, another day something else, then a day rest, then repeat the cycle. Everytime it only took around 10-20 mins. Not too short too see progress on your body. But not too long to cause you more tired.

Nowadays, I feel weird when I even have the thought of taking a day off when I shouldn't.

If you are able to discipline yourself this way, I am sure you will be able to handle your work much better and slowly see your progress, not only in your career, but also your health.
@mournfulwatcher As for working 7-4, I think you should try to talk to your boss. You mentioned you working as an account assistant. I am not in this field so I am not sure. But given that banks (not necessarily means that you working in banking) usually close at 4, then their employees still have a lot of jobs before they can go home, I doubt your boss will let you change your working hours this way. lol.

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