@crossdrivenwriter A sensible investor would open a tax free savings account on easyequities and buy an index tracking ETF like the Satrix S&P 500 or Nasdaq 100. A sensible investor understands that building wealth takes many years of diligently investing part of your income and being very patient. It takes decades to really reap the magic of compounding at the expected rates of return.

A crazy person like me would open a US account on EE and pick a few stocks. This is a high risk/high reward game. You could easily lose all your capital doing this, in fact this is statistically more likely than your chances of making money.
@crossdrivenwriter Learn something useful and related to your Bsc at udemy. Then build something. Get it out asap. Rinse and repeat. Stick with something you are passionate about and grind through hard times. Learn to sell. Talk tonas many people as you can about what you're doing. These are the best investments. They will pay you back way more than the 11% your passive investments will on such a low amount. Money better spent betting on yourself.
@crossdrivenwriter Start a business. Service based in your field of study. Use the money to get to clients or advertise.

Invest in yourself and don't wait around for a job that might not show up till the next year. You'll learn a lot being a start up and you won't have a gap in your cv
@schong People have been saying the same thing for the past two years. When I said to buy Bitcoin at R300k people said "PLEASE don't do that" - It's always the same, there's apparently never a good time to buy Bitcoin. At the end...all people will buy bitcoin (once they understand it) at the price they deserve.
@schong Ye i Know - I'm sitting on the fence with a huge investment, should I, shouldnt I, should I - Plan is to jump in now and hodl for 3 or 4 years when it will be 1.0 mill USD - decisions decisions !
@renaissance Halving is in April - the next bull run just started, if you don't get in soon you'll miss the run. It's been down from the past cycle. Waited 2 years for this run.

TBH all you'll hear on this sub is Bitcoin is cancer - Well I've bought my first Bitcoin(s) in 2017 and oh boy were they ALL wrong! (and I actually don't care what they think of it, I care about the money in MY bank)

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