How can I sell paper certificate shares for the company 'Bombardier'? X-0 does not accept them


New member
Local firm is asking £500 to do it. Just seeing if there are cheaper options because X-Os website let's you do it yourself for £5.95, only they don't accept these particular kind of shares.
@curlycurl As @trinityo points out, Bombardier are traded on the Toronto exchange and don't appear to have a UK registrar.

Probably the cheapest way will be to open an account with someone like Hargreaves Lansdowne, Halifax SD or IWeb, transfer into that account and sell electronically. Not sure about the others but IWeb charge £100 now to open an account and 1.5% FX rate to sell non-UK shares (they are currently offering £100 cash back if you transfer £10k cash / shares).

You will need to double-check that whichever platform you choose will accept overseas paper certs and allows trades in Toronto (pretty sure on the latter for IWeb, not sure on the former).
@curlycurl Looks like it's Canadian unless you can confirm otherwise? Sounds complex. Strategies either sell as certificate or transfer in to a nominee and sell from there. Both may require a Canadian trading account.
@trinityo Yes, they are Canadian. Have been unable to do it ourselves, a local stockbroker company has told us to send them to a computershare address and the shares will go through a 'conversion of 25 to 1' during the process. We have 362 shares so we will only get the value of 14. Not sure if we should or not

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