How can I save money

@mobezom What are your job skills? You said you work from home. There are online temp agencies that pay well for doing admin work. You can set your own schedule. They pay per project or for alloted amount of hours per week. You have teens that can watch the baby to help out. It is a great way to bring in income WFH. Good luck! Cutting expenses when everything costs a fortune is impossible.
@irisbritney I am an escrow closer for a title company, so I work up settlement statements for ppl buying/selling homes. I work full time and I’ve been with the company almost 10 years. It’s crazy seeing how much money people have when selling or even buying their homes! I do not want to leave this company but have been looking for something part time online as well. But I know that can be hard to come by considering I’m sure every stay at home parent wants that
@mobezom Yes budget and spend less if possible. Do elevate your education via school or books or you tube. So many ways to learn today. Make up your mind to do so and get a promotion and higher pay.

Less educated people can be taken advantage of and simply can’t help themselves.

Education is the key.

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