
New member
Hi guys. So I have a 5k expense I need to cover by tye 25th of this month and I need advise on how to make that money. I have a guaranteed lump sum coming in May but this expense needs to be covered this month. I'm not working currently and need advise how I can raise this money, ethically.

I have 24hours everyday available, a working laptop and internet. That's it.
@pinellaspaul Honestly. If you’re unemployed you could wash cars and make that easily.

21 days to make 5k is R240 per day. Sure you’ll have to work hard but you might even blow past the amount you need. If you only worked Monday to Friday starting tomorrow you need R330 per day.

Very achievable numbers for cutting grass and washing cars.
@ruien2 Sounds easy but fake...

You need tone of soap & let's say you get a gig.

You need access to water & most ppl pay around R50 to R100 if you're lucky.

So basically it's more achievable in townships, but townships already have

Fixed corners where a new stand must answer to the factions around.

Washing cars is easy to say but a huge stretch.

Only way to make 5k quick is to joint Betway & start with R100 do 2odds.

If things go well you make it in 3days
@pinellaspaul As an alternative to having to earn the money which has been answered, if you have guarenteed income and it's just a matter of time, contact whoever your expenses are owed to and negotiate them to delay payment until the funds are in your account. You should be able to reduce some of the R5k.

You mentioned that you NEED to cover expenses by the 25th, but I'm thinking that might be a turn of phrase as opposed to you having no choice but to pay them. If not, please excuse the useless advice....
@pinellaspaul My mates and I have been playing around with the idea of selling Braaibroodjies at the flea market for years, but never tried it. I mean come on, No self respecting South African will say no to a lekker Braai Broodjie

Plus it allows you to start small with R500 worth of stock and if it goes really well you can have someone pop out to get new ingredients for you with some of the profit.
Or even more simple, I think just about anyone can qualify for a R5,000 bank loan. Your credit score has to be unbelievably bad to be declined for just 5k
@ant0099 They're not going to give him a cent since he doesn't work nor have a stable income. On the contrary, unless he has a super high credit score, this ain't happening

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