How can I make sure that I am getting the best bond interest rate with my bank?

@scannon586 With a bond originator already submitting your application, you won't be able to approach the banks. Conflict if interest for the Bank, so they won't consider. It's the same at a dealership. I always advise going to all the banks directly yourself (you can do this online or telephonically) - remember that these guys earn a commission for each sale, so going directly saves the bank money, giving you a lot more room to negotiate on rate.
@scannon586 Of course out a deposit down . You will earn your return for every R100 you put it it the bond. It will lower your interest and payment period dramatically. Spare change ? Put it in the bond!.
To see this effect in real-time play around with numbers on this website :

I showed my business banker this website, as she was buying a house too , and she was blown away at what a quick difference it can make in the first couple of months of a new bond. You will save indefinitely. (This from someone in the banking sector 😳🫢??)
Compound interest is a thing , and at high interest rates , you can make it work for you .

Write a motivational letter to your bank and go direct . Know what you want and ask for it . No reason you can’t get prime less 1% if you got history and bank with them already.
Good luck

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