How can I get my previous employer to pay me?

@adviceplease As others have said, contact Fair Work. That’s what they are there for.

I once had a situation like this (promised shares in writing which were then cancelled when I left) drag on for a year of me being polite via email until I sent a final one saying I will now be talking to Fair Work Australia as well as getting legal representation. I was shocked that they then suddenly organised a cash payment (equal to what the market value of the shares would have been) and transferred to me in a couple of weeks. ….. In my case I didn’t even get around to contacting Fair Work or a solicitor ….
@adviceplease I was in a similar situation. Went 5 months without pay then found another job. I'd given up hope of recovering the money from the startup, but my new boss was insistent that I deserved it.
I ended up writing an email filled with carefully chosen words that are typically the precursor of a lawsuit. Talked about how their awful handling of the situation and continuous broken promises was severely impacting my mental health etc. They could smell a lawsuit (I never actually intended to sue) and paid me that week.
Lay it on really thick. Good luck!
@adviceplease Sorry to hear. First step is to write a formal letter of demand, with a table of hours worked and money owed.

Next step is small claims court. Detailed instructions here:

Letter of demand is enough. Make it formal, put a date on it, include records of the texts. They'll very likely pay. If not, just go to fair work, ask them what to do. They'll probably send a notice and he pays.
@adviceplease Create a presence, enter their workspace.

Be polite but refuse to leave. Simply state I'm here to collect what I'm owed.

Be open to alternative arrangements. Eg instead of 8k cash, take 16k in their tech equipment etc.
@adviceplease For 8k it would definitely be worth having a solicitor that specialises in workplace law to write a letter my wife did this years ago with a really bad employer and we got everything in the letter except for an apology in writing. At the time it was a lot of money to us probably 3 or 4 days worth of wages, but I’m really glad we did it. If it had happened now, 18 years later I would have taken them for defamation too. But on reflection we don’t mess the money we spent on a solicitor
@simplewoodencross Neither laws are relevant here. The fed laws are not retrospective and don’t come into effect until January 2025 and the state govt is repealing the sections of the Victorian laws due to the federal laws.

Also, the scenario as outlined by the OP wouldn’t meet the definitions of WT in either act.

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