How can I find out if there are life insurance policies taken out on me? (x-post r/legaladvice)

@ijrgerohnoxi Its an assumption. You asked what the insurable interest could have been. You received a direct answer. Insurable interest exists in many places. Saying he has no insurable interest with out knowing the whole story is factually incorrect. Based on OPs original submission we didn't know that.
@ijrgerohnoxi Huh? Where?

I see and talk life insurance everyday. Nothing to disagree with, everything I said it true. You wrote below you don't know much about it. What experience and or knowledge are you speaking from?

Honestly it doesn't really matter. You asked a question and got a factually correct answer.
@resjudicata That is also possible. He could have added me to a job life insurance thing, but I just don't know for sure. I need to know how I can find out if a policy exists and would rather not contact him to ask.
@branchinthevine To get a policy on you through his job, he would need to have proof of your relationship (marriage certificate or domestic partner affidavit along with your SSN) or a really shitty HR and insurance company.
@possy LOL.. I don't know what industry you're operating in, but I've been doing benefits for 15 years and I can say categorically that we don't ask for marriage certificates for medical, dental, vision, life, supp life, etc etc etc. He absolutely could have listed OP as a spouse, enrolled her and paid the premium. Making a claim is a different story, but FFS the life insurance companies don't even require a beneficiary to be submitted. We do spreadsheet enrollments for the enrollment data and come back for beneficiaries if there is a claim.

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