How can I find out if there are life insurance policies taken out on me? (x-post r/legaladvice)


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I think my abusive ex bf might have taken out a life insurance policy on me against my will, consent and knowledge. I want to know firstly if this is illegal, and secondly is there some way I can look up all life insurance policies taken out on me and who owns them? Is there something I can do if it turns out he does have a policy on me? I am in the US but I can't be more specific publicly as I don't want him to find my reddit account.

@branchinthevine He would need your signature, social security number, and also have to represent you if there was any underwriting so it would be major insurance fraud if he did take out a policy.

But yes, there is a database that life insurance companies can use to find out if you have other policies in force in your name. However, their consumer reports are not public. You would have to research a consumer report company that discloses life insurance policies you own or were taken out on you. Or, if you ever apply for life insurance with another company find out if they will research for you if you have another policy out there somewhere.

[In Tropojë accent] Good luck
@nadine777 He has my SSN and signature is easy to fake. He has faked things like that on documents in the past... Of course I didn't find out all his issues until much later in the relationship and he is an ex for good reasons.

Do you have any recommendations for consumer report companies? Some of the ones that show up in searches seem scammy.
@branchinthevine I have no recommendations. I'd encourage you to just apply for life insurance with a company and then ask them if they found anything else on you in their underwriting research.
@branchinthevine You can get your MIB file 1x per year. Try for that. Also, check with you states department of Insurance. They can also help you try and find one. Not perfect but these are few options. Also, check with his work. If he said you were married sometimes he can get one without your signature.
@throby OP, you should request your MIB file but be prepared for it to be empty. My life insurance policy and the medical records associated with application do not appear in my MIB.
@branchinthevine A carrier wouldn't write a policy on you for him since there is no insurable interest. Did you ever converse with a carrier, complete an exam, or sign anything pertaining to a life policy?
@resjudicata I suspect he signed for me, but I first need to find out if a policy exists. Is there some database I can use to look up and see if I'm on a policy? Would I need to contact someone who works in insurance to check? I have all my documents, birth certificate, SSN card, etc.
@branchinthevine Doesn’t Lexis Nexus have this capability? I used to dig up old life policies years ago when I worked for Medicaid.

This seems very unnecessary OP - unless you were married or have children together there is no insurable interest. If there is insurable interest for him to have a policy there’s nothing you can do about his policy anyway.

What are you afraid of happening exactly?
@resjudicata I think he may have listed me as a spouse or common law wife, and I have serious health issues so he thought I might die in the near future. I don't want this asshole having a policy on me but I can't know with 100% certainty that a policy exists without having some way to search for policies on me.

The reason I think one exists is because by accident I got mail addressed to him at our old address which was forwarded to my new place about a life insurance policy from his job and also companies contacting me about transferring "my" life insurance to another company but I have never signed up for life insurance. This guy has also done scammy things in the past and has no issue with faking things on documents or lying. I would not be surprised if he took out multiple policies on me. He also still has my name on his bank account (which I have never touched or used since breaking up). He wouldn't take my name off it. :/

I just want this guy out of my life for good and don't want him getting anything if I die. We aren't together and haven't been for years and still he tries to find ways to contact me or interfere in my life.
@branchinthevine He may have tried to get a policy in your name and failed that’s why your getting all those offers in the mail - his company’s carrier probably sold that info to everyone and their fake wives. Once your info is out their everyone is going to start soliciting.

IF he was a qualified ‘common law spouse’ based on your states law he would be entitled to carry a policy on you. But... if he listed you as spouse but you were never technically married (you said he lies) he might have that policy but wouldn’t be able to cash it out.

The truth of the matter is there is no central depository of everyone who is insured - it just doesn’t exist. You will never know what he did or said but you can take comfort in the fact that once he tries to collect he will be unsuccessful. The insurance policy thing is really a non-issue, it doesn’t really effect you in anyway.

Now the bank issue is an entirely different barrel of monkeys and that can be resolved with a full credit report or consulting a tax attorney.
@branchinthevine Yeah. The only way he could get a policy would be to commit fraud, which is a felony. I've not dealt a lot with life insurance but I don't know of anyway to search the hundreds or even thousands of insurance companies. Perhaps someone more experienced, which there's a lot on of good ones here, can chime in. But I think you're ok
@ijrgerohnoxi You're assuming too many details. They could have had a child together, owned a home together. Tons of things that could have created insurable interest at time of application.

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