How can I be tax savvy to avoid 33% CTG on stocks

@glowing Set up a holding company, which owns an investment corporation in a country with low corporation tax.
Corporation is controlled by a trust which pays it's profits to you. Pretty much the same model as used by most in the Pandora papers.
@glowing People think that, but it literally pays for itself. Is it ethical, debatable, but are you throwing money away otherwise, definitely.
@fiddlegal This was my introduction to the concept.

After that it was just a lot of googling.
In Europe Andorra is a decent shout.

"Corporate entities are subject to a 10% corporate tax, applicable on profits. Collective investment undertakings (funds and sociétés d'investissement à capital variable) are subject to a 0% corporate tax."

Set up shop, pay 20% less tax, and have a shell corp there should you need it for anything else.
@glowing You probably won’t be rich at 30 from investing unless you got incredibly lucky on high risk investments. Compounding takes years and years to work properly for the broad market even if it’s all tax free

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