@unbelievable Don't buy a house until you are happy to settle down. There are massive transaction costs, including taxes involved. Your needs may change if you get married, have kids, pets, and a new job. Moving houses is a massive cost. Rather, save the money in a low-cost offshore EFT until you 100% on what your plans are.
@unbelievable In my mind, it depends on what you value most. Flexibility or stability.

Technically, there isn't anything wrong with buying a house and paying it off quickly, buying a house and paying it off slowly, or renting for the rest of your life.

It really depends on what you value most. It sounds like you've got your eyes set on getting a home and being free of bond repayments. If that is what would make you happy and the most at rest, I say go for it.

Peace of mind can be very valuable.

I enjoy flexibility. So I've been running some numbers and toying with the idea of renting out my home (relatively small and on a 20yr bond) and renting out a bigger place. Let the landlord have the responsibility of maintenance etc.

We get to enjoy a bigger home that we might not be able to afford if we chose to buy it and hopefully, in 20 to 30yrs, we can return to our smaller home for retirement.

At least that's the rough plan anyway

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