homeowners insurance, police report taken burgalry battery and assult with GBI


New member

For sake of anonymity, I wont be going into any more detail tartisthan this.

I am covered under multi-policy loss free homeowners insurace. My home was burgled and I was attacked. The person was charged with burg assult and battery with GBI. It permanently disabled me . I am at the doctors all the time, and she broke and stole a bunch of my belongings too. it ruined my life. i had started 2 new businesses which i had to close and i had planned on going back to school, which i had to put off again. i was attacked with a weapon suffering blunt force trauma to head, ptsd, permanent disability to dominant hand and my passion and career as a small business owner/ entrepreneur as a woman just got absolutely taken from me. are there any legitimate insurance adjusters or people who have gone through something similar to tell me what not to include and what to include or how to think about this whole situation?

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