Home was destroyed by massive tree in 80mph wind. Insurance has been like pulling teeth to make claim. Is this normal?

@hollywoodbowles No one is trying to break you. Everyone at AFICS is trying to work the claim and get it moving and handled as quick as they can. The problem is, at AFICS as quick as they can is still sometimes frustratingly slow and with no communication because they wildly over work their adjusters. It sucks. It truly does and I am sorry. Just remember the adjuster on the other end just wants to pay you what the policy says they can so they can move on to the next.

Regarding a PA, if you do a search here you'll see story after story of prolonged settlements, outright fraud, PA's just disappearing w the initial payment check, etc. While you're in a situation with a carrier that won't make it easy, a PA almost universally just makes it worse.
@chabod You really think it's a good idea to piss off of the person who is going to be handling your total loss claim for the next 8-12 months? Those people don't get voicemails returned, I will only send emails. And even if you reach my managers manager, all they will do is set an activity a week out to make sure I've made contact at least once that prior week.
@hollywoodbowles Your first problem is that you’re with Progressive/Homesite. They are definitely not known for their stellar claim service. However, I’m sure the price was reasonable compared to other carriers, so you probably went with them because of that. However, as old saying goes, you get what you pay for. I’ll probably get down voted for this, but I really don’t care because that company is terrible. And I’m sure I’ll also get a reply later today from someone that always states insurance is highly regulated and that this stuff doesn’t happen which is absolute BS. Yes, insurance is highly regulated but companies like this still try to get away with murder every day of the week.

It has only been a few weeks, so yes, they are probably still within the timeframe to investigate the claim. However, a customer should always have strong communication between the adjuster and themselves. Yes, there is a enormous amount of volume of claims right now, and you could be falling into that crack as well, but nevertheless, that is no excuse for poor communication.
@hollywoodbowles I was recently in a similar situation, but with a large auto loss(Progressive as well). It has taken me 2 months to resolve something where there were no injuries and no opposing party at fault.

I made a report to my DOI last week as a first step. I don't know if it hit anyone's desk, but the communication picked right up. If insurance companies don't have enough staff to handle the volume, they should hire more, it isn't an excuse for absolute garbage for service, especially when we pay a decent premium.
@hollywoodbowles Have you retained a contractor? You'll need one anyway, and they may have better lines of communication. Generally speaking, AmFam is usually easy to deal with; sorry for what is obviously a different experience.

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