Home insurance after policy cancelled


New member
I didn’t realize my home insurance policy was being cancelled until after the cancellation date. The reason was because my wood stove was not WETT compliant. This issue has been remedied but the prior company won’t reinsure me.

Any recommendations for home insurance for a rental property in Nova Scotia where the owner resides out of province? I have a local property manager and family near the residence. I’d be willing to change auto insurance and my tenants insurance policies as well.
@bpolst Call a broker. The gap of coverage means many insurers won’t touch this property, a broker will know who among the insurers they write for will accept the risk.
@bpolst So this is not home insurance it’s a rental policy and you live outside of province and have this insured as a stand alone rental.

Go to a broker, explain situation and present them the WETT cert and get your claims run/history from old policy. NEVER let your policy get cancelled for compliance issues like this.

Ask for a higher deductible and try to pay in full. You will be paying a lot more now.

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