Hit in parking lot while driving by a car pulling forward out of a space


New member
This morning someone hit my husband’s large SUV in his school parking lot (with my kids in the car) while he was driving by to go park. Someone was pulling forward out of their parking space and didn’t stop and hit the back side door near the rear wheel well on the passenger side. There’s a dent, paint, etc. We have two booster seats and a bucket car seat base.

It was a young person so their parent is meeting with my husband at the school (he’s a teacher) later today during lunch to exchange information because the kid had to leave to go to his next job. I told my husband under no circumstances is he to give OUR insurance, and to only get theirs. That being said, I am SUPER paranoid about the parent trying to say it wasn’t their kid’s fault and us being on the hook for this, despite it being on the back half of our car (meaning he was well past their car when they pulled out) AND they were pulling forward and not backing out. They’re claiming they stopped the car before hitting us. Should I call police non-emergency to meet them today??

What would you do in this situation? The person who hit my husband works at the school like he does but at the before care program, so he knows where to find them. Husband had to get inside to go teach, and my kids had to go inside to get to class.

@prettyrose Should report to local PD. Also, it will be obvious to police and insurance by the location your vehicle was struck, that the other driver is at fault - unless your vehicle is executing a high-speed turn or donut (for which there'd be pavement tire marks/gravel scrapes on pavement/ground) there is no other way for such impact damage to occur to your vehicle.
And the damage/scraping from impact on the other vehicle's bumper should make it obvious they did not stop (honestly, the nerve of some people!)

This said, your spouse would have been better to wait with your kids and all be late for class, rather than leaving the scene of a collision before police arrive. Are police notoriously dlow yo arrive in your area? Where I live, it's a fineable offence to leave a scene of an accident, fineable with jail time - that may or may not apply to you, but may not incur any depending on the situation. Still, REPORT IT, it's a defence for you.

Did your spouse take any pictures or have a dash cam? (Good to know and to do if this happens in the future).
@prettyrose Do you have dash cam footage of the accident? Parking lot fender-benders are typically 50/50. Your husband should absolutely exchange his insurance information as well. It's required after an accident. Even if he withholds it, they can still notify their insurance of the incident, and they can try to subrogate against your policy.

The police can't help you. They are literally only there to facilitate the exchange of information (see prior comment). They didn't witness the accident, and all the report would say is whatever story each driver told.

Most likely it'll end up being word vs word and both parties paying for their own damage. If it bothers you, get a dash cam for next time.

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