Hit by a car on my bike - car’s insurance says I’m liable

@supernovak This is one of the few instances where I'd suggest consulting with an attorney. If you were a car and hit the back of the car then yes there's shared responsibility. But bikes don't have the same stopping abilities, and sudden stops are way more risky. Plus juries tend to side with pedestrians/bicyclists over people safe in vehicles.
@supernovak Get an attorney immediately that specializes in bike and cycling accidents.

An accident attorney typically work on a contingency basis where they take 1/3 to 1/2 of what ever the payout is from the insurance company.

If this was a commercial driver, the prospective attorney that might take your case is going to be a lot more interested.
@supernovak Are you sure they didn't say they were 70% and you were 30?

I don't think it's right either way, they are 100. They're treating this like it's an auto vs auto accident with that point of impact argument. Bicycles have different mechanics than vehicles and it's not as easy to just stop and swerve at a moments notice like in a car.

I agree with another commenter, get an attorney.

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