Hike slowdown coming: Market still expecting 50bps for October, but slowing to 25bps in Nov and Dec

@billyboy Yes, and they were wrong because unexpectedly high US core inflation data came in mid-September. Unexpected economic data will continue to occur in both directions which causes forecasts to be updated.

Despite that, I continue to treat the interbank futures as the best forecast we have for the ~3 months timescale. But this is always conditional on current knowledge, which cab change as economic data surprises us.
@jesuslover07 I wouldn't say that data was unexpected, it's been pretty clear that the global debt binge of the last few years in particular was going to have some negative effects that weren't going to blow over without some pain.

I'm sure the RBA would love to stop hiking as it's looks pretty bad how rapidly they have had to rise but inflation for the moment seems to be sticking and they really can't afford to have it entrenched.
@steves1980 Markets weren't expecting it, that's the sense in which it was unexpected. Of course they expected high inflation, but it came in a tad higher still.

If you know better than the markets consistently, by all means you can make a killing on said markets.

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