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I need help, I’m planning to get my license in FL because my mom usually drives me to work but she’s going to be gone for 1 month on a road trip with her bf and she’s leaving her car behind and it’s about 3 miles to get to work so I’m wondering if theirs a temporary insurance I can get to drive the car to work and back everyday. I’m 20 years old and she has State Farm If that helps. I work 5 days a week so I’d be going back and forth every day. I thought maybe non owner car insurance might work but I’m not sure if it will for how many times I’m going to commute.
@myrnajo I assume you live with your mother? You need to be listed as a driver on her insurance policy as soon as you are licensed. It's required by her policy, and it's the only way there will be coverage if you are driving. A non-owner's policy does not cover vehicles you have regular access to, and you have to be listed on her policy as a household member.
@former32%C2%B0mason I live with my brother and she usually picks me up to bring me to work since she’s living with her bf so she’s leaving her car with my brother, so would that still count as me being on her insurance or do I need to be on my brothers insurance instead?

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