
New member
In my RBC DI account my tax documentation includes a T3 slip for 4 ETFs. Let's call them A,B,C,D. It would be appear to be a summary of those activities for the year all included in 1 T3 slip.

When looking at the tax slips in MyCRA, there is no record of the T3 from RBC, but there is a record of individual slips for ETFs A and B issued from the ETF provider (Emerge and Horizons). There is nothing for ETFs C and D in MyCRA( both also Horizons).

I can't make sense of what is going on. I would think I would report the RBC T3 to cover everything, but it looks like the government has no record of that T3, and if I did report those numbers it would mean not reporting the 2 T3s they do have. Has anyone run into this before? I want to include everything obviously but doing so might look odd based on what they think I have, even though their slips would under report what I have.
@jjp297 Strikes me as odd that rbc and the etf provider are both providing T3 slips for the same thing. Auto fill would lead to double counting. The system has a long way to go. Thanks!
@murunwa Should only be the brokerage, who gets info from the ETF provider, that issues you a T3. Emerge and Horizon's don't issue T3s as they are not a brokerage. You should recheck what you actually received.
@jjp297 That's really the root of my confusion. RBC DI gave me the normal T3 slip you get with "Canada Revenue Agency" at the top but that's not in MyCRA documents. (as all my other RBC slips are)

In MyCRA documents I have 2 slips called "2023 T3 slip (original) from HORIZONS HIGH INTEREST SAVINGS ETF " and "2023 T3 slip (original) from EVOLVE INNOVATION INDEX FUND " but the value of them are only a portion of what is included in the T3 I have from RBC DI. (which is a summary of all 4 ETFs)
RBC DI gave me the normal T3 slip you get with "Canada Revenue Agency" at the top but that's not in MyCRA document

CRA doesn't upload all immediately.

makes no sense for them (horizon's and Emerge) to upload since you didn't make transactions with them, you did with RBC DI.

Contact Horizon and Merge to notify them they upload to CRA and they are not supposed to, the brokerage does.
@murunwa T3 slips are due 90 days following the fiscal year. It takes time to show on cra website. The deadline for December year ends hasn't occured yet.

For my clients on CRA website I always see the individual slips, not the summary one.

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